Michael Flaherty






Wild Cove Pottery

Cone 6 stoneware, electric fired, with wooden handle

Having never worked seriously as a potter in the past I began to feel a growing deficit in my ceramic experience. This was evident to me in my teaching practice, as it became increasingly important for me to communicate effectively with my students about this fundamental aspect of the field of ceramics. And from the perspective of my own art work, which I see as intricately connected to the conceptual framework established by the arts and crafts movement, the exploration of pottery making is of crucial intellectual relevence. So, in 2015 I moved to rural Newfoundland, started making pottery, and established a studio called Wild Cove Pottery.

In my practice as a potter I have a few guiding principles: I want to explore a wide range of functions and aesthetics; I want to spend as much time working outdoors as possible; And I want to contribute to the development of the community I live in. To accomplish these goals I work in both electric and wood firing, I harvest and use local materials, and I collaborate with my local community organizations. Being a potter always feels new to me, as there is always a further horizon to explore.

Go to the Wild Cove Pottery website here

Cone 6 stoneware, electric fired

Wood Kiln firing
A firing on May 31 2016

Bowl with Handle
Cone 10 stoneware, wood fired

Cone 6 stoneware, electric fired

Cone 6 stoneware, electric fired

Cone 10 stoneware, wood fired

Cone 10 stoneware, wood fired